Character creation involves a few steps to ensure a balanced play environment and that your vampire is appropriate (and more importantly, enjoyable to play) in the game. We suggest you review the settings materials first, then jump in and start with a character concept!
As a reminder, we are using the setting and rules contained within the latest version of Vampire: The Masquerade - Laws of the Night by By Night Studios
If you're new to Vampire: The Masquerade, don’t worry! The character generation rules are available for free online, and our storytellers can help you with a concept.
You can also choose to just buy a ticket and pick up a pre-generated character at the game itself!
Please note that players will be limited to one character at a time during the chronicle. In order to create a new character, the previous character must meet final death or be retired - rules for advancement & replacement characters can be found here.

Our Discord server is where you will connect with the game staff, storytellers and your fellow players!
This is also where you'll get your character concept approved and will be able to forge in-character and out-of-character connections with other players.

As you develop your character and concept, we encourage you to reach out and forge blood ties (Sire & Childe of the same Clan), owe or be owed boons, or generate background connections with other chronicle characters.

We recommend you review the setting of Vampire: the Masquerade contained in the Laws of the Night rules. There is also a wealth of other resources that cover the setting, including the tabletop V:tM resources by Paradox Interactive.
If you’re new to Vampire, don’t worry - our storytellers can help you refine your concept, or understand any questions you have about the setting.
There are some unique circumstances in Oklahoma City these nights, involving some city history and notable characters.
- Review the vampire history of Oklahoma City here - City Timeline
- Notable Non-Player Characters can be found here - Supporting Cast

In order to save players and storytellers time writing, re-writing and refining completely “statted-out” characters, we ask that players submit their character concepts in advance in the “Character Concepts” channel of our Discord server. This allows us to help you refine any concepts that may be inappropriate or unfun to play for the planned Chronicle.
Your character concept is a short description of your character’s Clan, their history in Oklahoma City, and any information other characters would know. It shouldn’t be any longer than a few sentences covering their background, where they’re starting the chronicle and how you intend to play them.
Vincent Marcus Pyre is an ambitious Ventrue aristocrat who has been playing politics in Oklahoma City since his embrace in the 1930s. The son of an oil baron, he impressed his Sire with the way he managed his family fortune. He fled the city after the Night of Fires, barely escaping a hunter’s stake. Tonight, Pyre is a shadow investor, living the high life and playing the stock market through mortal proxies. Returning to the city at Prince Caldwell’s summons, Pyre is looking to land a prestigious court appointment - possibly even Seneschal.
A note for newer Vampire players
Paradox Interactive has a great reference for the Vampire Clans here. Some rules for the Tabletop are a little different than for live action, but this is a good starting point for building out a character concept!
A note for experienced Vampire players
Reawakening is designed as an entry point for newer players, so some character & clan options will be more limited than you may be used to. This is to provide the best possible experience for a newer Vampire player and maximize character ties within the played clans.

Character Concept Guidelines
- All characters must be Camarilla loyal at the time of creation.
- Characters may not be older than 250 years since mortal birth - most older Kindred have already succumbed to The Beckoning.
- Reawakening will have a primarily social, political and investigation focus. Combat characters are certainly welcome, but opportunities for combat may be limited so be sure to have other facets for the character to explore.
- As of the current edition, the Brujah and Gangrel clans have left the Camarilla. Individual members may still remain loyal to the Tower as outsiders to their clans.
- As of the current edition, the Banu Haqim and Lasombra clans are members of the Camarilla.
- Banu Haqim concepts will face some light additional scrutiny due to the cultural implications of previous editions. In modern nights, Banu Haqim characters can be embraced from any creed or culture - your character concept should not engage in inappropriate cultural appropriation or stereotype.
- The following character types are all ALLOWED for Player Characters:
- Banu Haqim
- Brujah (as a clan outsider)
- Gangrel (as a clan outsider)
- Lasombra
- Malkavian
- Nosferatu
- Toreador
- Tremere
- Ventrue
- Caitiff
- Ghouls (with PC regnant)
- The following character types are NOT ALLOWED:
- Hecata
- The Ministry
- Ravnos
- Salubri
- Tzimisce
- Thin-Bloods
- non-ghouled mortals
Once approved by a storyteller, we can move on to figuring out your character’s attributes, abilities and powers!

You can use the following link to download a form-fillable PDF character sheet. Once done, you can save and email this sheet to staff@cola.games, and we will enter your character into our database. Please also review the Chronicle Tenets, Initial XP and custom mechanics information below.
Form-Fillable Laws of the Night Character SheetCreate your character using the Vampire: The Masquerade Laws of the Night rules by By Night Studios. If you don’t have the book, By Night Studios has created an online resource database for character creation! We’ve included the links below:
Note: Please be aware this SRD is new, and some of the formatting is a little off - with that said, all of the game rules are available to us here for free. Please also consider buying a copy of the rulebook to support the studio and their effort in development of this ruleset.
We have also developed a Google Sheets worksheet to help you through the character creation process:
- Open the worksheet here: Reawakening Character Worksheet
- Use the File -> Make a Copy menu to create your own copy for use.
- Rename the sheet to your character name.
- When you’re done, you can use the File -> Download menu to create a PDF to send to us.

Chronicle Tenets
These are the Chronicle Tenets for characters in Reawakening. The game rules will refer to these tenets regularly, as they will impact your character’s struggle between Humanity and their inner Beast - and their descent into becoming less human and more monster.
- Do not kill, except in self-defense.
- Do not harm the innocent.
- Act like a person, not a beast.
Character Goals
We are adding two elements to your character you’ll need in order to play: an Ambition & a Desire. Please note these in the “Notes” section of your sheet.
Ambitions are long-term goals that may take the entire chronicle, or longer, to complete - or might not even be intended to be completed in play. An ambition helps provide an overall drive to a character’s actions.
Example Ambitions
- Find your long-lost sire
- Establish Praxis over Oklahoma City
- Recover a precious, centuries old item from your character’s mortal life
Desires are short-term goals that might be accomplished in a single game, or over the course of a couple sessions. Your desire may or may not be related to your Ambition, and may regularly change
Example Desires
- Look into those ghost sightings downtown
- Get out of hot water with the Sheriff
- Earn an appointment to a court position
Goals like these will help tie your character into the world and drive proactive character action and interaction during play.
Custom Loresheets
There are some themes and characters important to our chronicle. We've chosen to reflect these using custom Loresheets! You can choose to take one of these Loresheets instead of the ones in the core rules.
These are a great way to establish your character with ties to our setting and supporting cast. Please remember you can only have one Loresheet associated with your character.
- A City in Torpor
- Founders of Oklahoma City
- Grenville, the Archon
- Jonathan Gates
The full mechanics for these loresheets can be found here - Custom Loresheets
Initial XP
Your character will start with 20 Initial XP per the core rules (p. 96), but will also have some additional XP for already completed games. This extra XP is to help characters joining mid-chronicle keep pace. You will also gain some additional XP upon the purchase of your Event Ticket or Season Pass.
Initial XP - Individual Event Ticket
- 20 XP per the Core Rules (p. 96)
- 5 bonus XP per already completed game of the chronicle
- An additional 10 XP upon purchase of a ticket for the upcoming game
This means after ticket purchase, a character will typically start with a total of 30 xp plus an additional 5 per completed game of the chronicle.
Initial XP - Season Pass
- 20 XP per the Core Rules (p. 96)
- 10 XP per already completed game of the chronicle
- An additional 10 XP, reflecting the experience award for the upcoming game
This means after ticket purchase, a character will typically start with a total of 30 xp plus an additional 10 per completed game of the chronicle.
Submitting Your Sheets
Once you’re done, email your sheet to staff@cola.games and we’ll take a look to make sure the character is set up correctly in the database. We will send you a link to your sheet online once we are done.

You can purchase a ticket for the next Reawakening game here. Tickets are $25 per event, or you can purchase a Season Pass for $100.

Individual Event Ticket
- Attendance for the upcoming Reawakening game
- +10 Character XP
Season Pass
- Attendance for all Reawakening games
- Automatic XP progression for the upcoming game
- Full XP buyback
- Full XP on replacement characters
- Access to all levels of one Out-of-Clan Discipline without the requirement of feeding from a vampire who already possesses that Discipline.
- This only grants access to all levels of a single Discipline, chosen at the time of purchase of the first dot.
- Dots in this Discipline are purchased at normal Out-of-Clan costs.
- This does not remove the downtime action requirement.
- This cannot provide access to Blood Sorcery or Oblivion.
Returns & Refunds
If you’re not able to make an event after purchase, please let us know by email at staff@cola.games. We will process return of an individual event ticket or unused Season Pass up to 48 hours before the beginning of the event following purchase.
- No returns or refunds of event tickets will be processed after this time.
- Season Passes will not be returnable or refundable after 48 hours preceding the first game post-purchase. of the event following purchase.

We can’t wait to share our chronicle with you, and see what stories you and your fellow players tell. As the Chronicle progresses, your character’s skills and abilities will grow as you gain XP.
Please see below for all rules on character advancement, death and retirement, along with any custom mechanics that will be in play.
Links to Chronicle Rules
Explore More
Learn how to create your character and start your journey.
Discover how to advance your character and unlock new abilities.
Take a look at the custom mechanics in our chronicle.
Meet the important NPCs in the chronicle.
Check out the custom loresheets available for your character.
Explore the history of Oklahoma City in the World of Darkness.