A territory carved violently from the dominion of both Werewolves and the Sabbat, Oklahoma City’s history is one of blood, sweat and unswerving loyalty to The Camarilla. Even after the Second Inquisition staked or burned the Prince and his court - leaving the city with no formal structure for several years - observance of The Traditions endures to this very night.

Land Run
April 22, 1889
Oklahoma City is founded during the Land Run, with humans settling long-held Werewolf territory. While the Wolves were wary of settlers, they generally avoided open conflict while the humans’ claim on territory remained small.
The Camarilla watches the budding city with interest, but remains patient - The risks of running afoul of Wolves remain too great for so small a gain.
Camarilla Founding
December 11, 1907
Rapid population growth in the area prompts the Camarilla to take action and lay claim on both blood and resources before the Sabbat. A contingent of Kindred is sent to tame the Werewolf population and establish a Praxis.
Conflict with the Wolves over the next years is bloody, but heroes emerge - the Brujah Jonathan Gates being the most notable. Gates’ exploits earn him the nickname “The Lumberjack,” tales spreading of him chopping down wolves with a wood ax like they were trees.
Eventually, things settle into a tense and uneasy stalemate, though border skirmishes continue to occasionally occur.
The War of Wolves & Swords
July 18, 1928 – April 16, 1940
With the discovery of oil in the city limits, Oklahoma City becomes a major hub of oil production and the mortal population grows to match. This unchecked growth, combined with the plundering of mother Gaia’s resources, enrages factions within the local Werewolf community.
The Wolves know their numbers are small while the Kindred population is booming, and cooler heads reach out for negotiation. Tired of conflict and always eager to see the best in his enemies, Gates leads a small peace contingent of Kindred to negotiate with the Werewolves, and establish clear borders & guidelines on city growth.
The Sabbat, however, sees an opportunity to destabilize the growing Camarlla government, as well as seize new territory. Tzimisce Paladin Jeanelle DeLight is assigned to the area with orders to overthrow the Camarilla.
DeLight immediately sets to work forging an alliance and undermining peace talks. With the Paladin in the wolf leader’s ear, Gates cannot see the talks to a peaceful resolution. Conflict erupts between the local Camarilla and the combined might of the local wolves and the Sabbat.
This sparks a forceful response from the Camarilla in nearby domains, asserting their force while the Sabbat were embroiled in civil war. The conflict escalates to neighboring states, with the Camarilla response believed in some circles to be a key factor in the end of the Second Sabbat Civil War with the adoption of the Code of Milan in 1933.
As conflict with the Sabbat grows elsewhere across the New World, Oklahoma City’s Camarilla domain is victorious by 1940. After years of conflict, Gates drives DeLight from the city and establishes an uneasy peace with the Werewolves. Clear territorial boundaries are established between the two parties.
Tensions are high, but stability wins the day for the coming decades - though DeLight and the Sabbat will remain a presence in the surrounding areas.
The Archon’s Arrival
September 3, 1945
After continuing conflict with a unified Sabbat, the Camarilla is weakened by years of war. When the United States employs a nuclear attack during World War II, the Inner Circle takes notice. In response, the Malkavian Justicar dispatches Archon George Grenville to the territory of Oklahoma City.
Fairly or unfairly, The Inner Circle sees decades of costly conflict with the Sabbat as originating in Oklahoma City. The Archon is sent with express orders to re-stabilize the area and ensure no further problems are created for the Camarilla.
Over the next several decades, Grenville is a regular figure in local politics. The eye of the Justicariate is on Oklahoma City.
Change in the Camarilla
2005 - 2018
It is a period of disruption in the Ivory Tower. The Kindred computer & communications network ShreckNet is compromised by the Second Inquisition, a secret collective of government agencies and Hunter organizations. Kindred Elders also begin to succumb to the mysterious Beckoning, leaving their local domains to fight a holy war in the East.
As The Inquisition grows bolder, Archon Grenville oversees Camarilla policies implemented banning technological communications (including mobile phones) and imposing restrictions on Clanless Kindred.
The situation is tense, but productive. While the increasingly paranoid policies of the Camarilla chafe many (including the Prince of the city) they are effective. The Second Inquisition, while active in the area, isn’t able to act against the Kindred in Oklahoma City for more than a decade.
The Night of Fires
March 1, 2018
The Kindred of Oklahoma City are finally exposed to the Second Inquisition. A data leak exposes the havens of many notable Kindred in the city, along with the location of Elysium. Many power players, including the Prince and nearly the entire court, are staked and burned, and the Elysium is set to the torch.
Evidence is produced that the Ventrue Ancilla Kenneth Lindsey is responsible. Forbidden electronic records are exposed, tied directly to Lindsey’s mortal business interests. Before the Prince meets her final death, a Blood Hunt is issued and Lindsey disappears - no bounty is ever claimed.
Remaining Kindred either go into hiding or flee the city, and Oklahoma City falls into a period of time known colloquially as Torpor.
City in Torpor
2018 - 2025
Between the threat of Hunters and the eventual pandemic, Oklahoma City is calm - not dead, but not thriving. Kindred keep mostly to themselves and their Coteries. Interactions between Vampires are cautious, but mostly peaceful. With so much domain and so few Kindred left in the city, territory becomes effectively self-managed.
Informal leaders emerge, but no Praxis is claimed and no formal gatherings are held.
Kindred either learn to hide, or are tracked down by Hunters and killed. Even without a central authority to govern, Coteries manage between themselves. The Traditions are upheld - this is still a Camarilla city, after all.
After a couple of years, the Second Inquisition presence in the city begins to fade. Hunters leave, and government agencies relax their surveillance. By 2021, the risk of heightened scrutiny has faded, but the Kindred of the city have grown used to their unique form of self-government.
Present Night
An invitation from the former Ventrue Primogen, Andrea Caldwell, is issued to all known Kindred in the city.
The Sabbat has been rumored to have resumed operation in the area. A series of strange killings is prominent in mortal media in recent weeks - bodies exsanguinated and drained into a chalice. The traitor Kenneth Lindsey is still at large.
The first formal court in seven years will be held on the anniversary of The Night of Fires, and a new Praxis will be established.
The time has come for the Kindred of Oklahoma City to gather once again.
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