A City in Torpor
Requirement: Active in the city sometime between 2018 and present night
For the last seven years, Oklahoma City has had no traditional centralized government - no Prince, no Elysium, no Sheriff. Your character was a pivotal part in making this unique situation work, helping your fellow Kindred as a leader, mediator and protector of the traditions. Newly embraced Kindred may never have known a city under traditional Camarilla rule, but have gained proficiency in this “New Normal.
This loresheet is ideal for new players, neonates and Kindred newer to the city.
●Plead Ignorance - You’ll certainly be forgiven if you don’t know all the rules quite yet - or if you’re particularly rusty in their application. Once per session, a minor breach of etiquette will be forgiven, assuming you’re contrite with an apology. Make your apology in-character, then use the Out of Character gesture (crossed fingers) to indicate “Lore sheet - please forgive and forget a minor transgression.” This could range from forgetting the Prince’s name to a breach of one of the court’s minor courtesies. This will not extend to major violations, such as a breach of the Traditions. This is meant as a safety net for new or returning players, not to excuse an intentionally rude or belligerent character. If there is a dispute, please engage a Storyteller to adjudicate.
●●Shared Resources - During Oklahoma City’s Torpor, Kindred had to pool their resources to stay alive and undetected. Each session, gain access to either 4 dots of temporary Haven or Herd backgrounds, reflecting access to a known safehouse or feeding territory. You may mix and match these 4 dots as you see fit (for example, claiming 3 dots of Herd and a 1 dot haven), and these temporary backgrounds may be used on behalf of other characters as normal. At the start of next session, you may reassign these 4 dots as you see fit.
●●●Lay Low - You’re used to avoiding notice, particularly from the Second Inquisition. If one of your downtime actions is invested to “Lay Low,” you may not be tracked or observed in your other Downtime activities that session by PCs or NPCs. Please note that this protection is not infinite - particularly attention-grabbing actions may still have repercussions, and may still be traced back to you through proper investigation. This protection does extend to other characters in joint downtime actions.

Founders of Oklahoma City
This loresheet is required to be a city founder in character background
Your character was part of the original set of Kindred dispatched by the Camarilla to found the Tower presence in the city. Your reputation in town usually precedes you, though in recent nights many new Kindred have arrived who may not be as familiar with your standing.
This loresheet is ideal for experienced players who enjoy setting history, lore, and being looked to as a veteran of city politics.
●Trusted Advisor - You are looked to for your counsel and leadership. Once per session, you may lend your advice to another Kindred in the city. It must be the player’s first game of the chronicle, and the character may not have this loresheet. That character is at a +1 to all tests for the evening. This bonus does not stack if provided by multiple Founders.
●●A Fixture in Court - You may never be denied access to official Camarilla gatherings regardless of your status with the Camarilla, though circumstances like a war or blood-hunt may make attendance particularly dangerous. In addition, gain 4 dots split as you choose between the Allies, Contacts, Haven and Resources backgrounds.
●●●The City’s Memory - You’ve seen just about everything that’s come to pass in the City’s history, and know the real story behind more than a few events. Once per session, ask a Storyteller to get the true story around one specific event in the city’s history from your character’s perspective. This isn’t omniscience, but an accurate assessment of the facts as your character understands them - free of political spin, legend, faulty memory or falsehood.

Grenville, The Archon
Requirement: Active in the city sometime between 1945 - 2018
You’ve been a favorite resource for the Camarilla Archon, George Grenville - either as an agent, an informant, or both. You’ve gained some level of political protection and access to the Archon’s resources as a result. While some may view your actions as undermining the Praxis of the city, others view them as supporting the strength of the Tower as a whole.
This loresheet is ideal for Camarilla loyalist characters and players interested in deadly intrigue, power struggles and political plot hooks - please note that it may be dangerous for your character to be seen as working at odds with the city’s Praxis. You’ve been warned.
●Grenville’s Wealth - Those who please the Archon are afforded certain courtesies. You gain 4 dots split as you choose between the Mask, Resources and Contacts backgrounds, reflecting compensation received for service to the Archon over the years.
●●Grenville’s Gratitude - The Archon George Grenville owes you a Minor Boon - Spend it wisely. This level of the loresheet may only be taken at the time of character creation.
●●●Grenville’s Patronage - You are known as a Servire, a loyal servant to the Archon and the Justicariate. Your City Status may never drop below 2 dots. Your second dot carries the moniker “Servire to the Archon.” Only Archon Grenville himself may strip you of this Status dot and the associated title - so be sure to be attentive. Note that you may still be banished from the city by the Prince as normal.

Jonathan Gates
Whether in recent nights, or during the War of Wolves & Swords, you fought side-by-side with the local Brujah legend himself. During your time together, something of his tenacity, honor and idealism rubbed off on you - you use this reputation as a tool, a way of life, or both.
This loresheet is ideal for players looking to portray idealistic or high-humanity characters. When taking this Loresheet, it’s important to understand: there are no true “good guys” in Vampire. This said, some characters are better at holding onto their Humanity than others.
●Lead by Example - You are inspired by the example Jonathan Gates has set for the Kindred of Oklahoma City. As long as your Humanity remains at 7 or higher and you have no existing stains, you may, once per session, turn a Bestial Failure into a normal failure, or a Messy Critical into a normal success. You may still suffer a stain, compulsion or other consequence reflecting guilt from what you were about to do, but you restrain your actions and any related fallout.
●●Circle of Trust - Whether in combat or in court, you’ve earned Gates’ respect. Once per Chronicle, you may contact Gates to arrange a meeting. This doesn’t guarantee a long or helpful interaction (or even a positive one), but will allow you to get your foot in the door.
●●●Honest Reputation - Your reputation and Gates’ are intertwined. Once per Chronicle, you may negate a Status loss by using the Out of Character gesture (crossed fingers) and noting, “Negated - Lore Sheet: Honest Reputation.” In addition, once per session, if you give your word and are telling the honest and complete truth as your character understands it, NPCs and Player Characters alike will understand that your character is not lying. After your statement of truth, use the Out of Character gesture and indicate, “Lore Sheet, Honest Reputation - I guarantee my character is telling the truth as they understand it.”
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