Simple Scene Resolution
We will be maintaining the game schedule, with strict start and stop times for the game and for intermission. As a result, when a scene appears like it may go over time, our Storytellers will propose mediation, then move to a simplified resolution using a simple test, opposed test or series of tests, narrating the outcome.
The resulting ST narration of the scene will be final.
Please plan any shenanigans accordingly.
Rapid Mass Combat
In order to keep the game moving, we will be using the optional “Rapid Mass Combat” rules in Chapter 4 of the core rules. Per the rule, its application will be at Storyteller discretion.
City Status
Due to the 6 game nature of this chronicle, as well as some of the game timing, we are modifying some of the City Status rules for Camarilla court members as listed in the Laws of the Night rulebook:
In the core Laws of the Night rules, a Kindred may not have their status raised or lowered by the Prince if their status has been raised or lowered by the Prince within the last 6 months. We are changing this restriction from 6 months to 2 games.
Effectively, this means the Prince cannot modify a character’s status during consecutive games of the chronicle.
To clarify, a character may have their status lowered by the Sheriff a maximum of once per game. The Sheriff may lower the status of multiple Kindred in a single game in this way, provided they find these Kindred have violated a Tradition, law or rule.
Once the Sheriff has lowered a Kindred’s status for a particular crime, they may not lower their status again for the same crime during a later game. The Sheriff may still punish the same character for a different crime in a later game.
In the core Laws of the Night rules, a Kindred may not have their status raised or lowered by the Herald if their status has been raised or lowered by the Herald within the last 6 months. We are changing this restriction from 6 months to 2 games.
Effectively, this means the Herald cannot modify a character’s status during consecutive games of the chronicle.
In addition, the status restriction for a Boon Breaker will not be lifted automatically after six months - the boon must be satisfied per the Herald.
Keeper of Elysium
The status restriction for violating Elysium will not be lifted automatically after six months - reparations must be made per the Keeper or the Prince.
Item Cards
We will be using Item Cards to track what mechanical items a character possesses. Item cards reflect a character’s access to a particular piece of gear or equipment, and will be required to use that item in play. An item card will include the quality of the item, as well as a blank space to write the kind of item possessed.
Worn Items
If a character is actively wearing or carrying an item - for example, wearing riot gear or a sword on their hip or back - that player must wear an additional, visible name-tag holder with that item card inside. For each additional piece of gear worn or carried, an additional tag holder must be used.
Since weapons and weapon props are not allowed at game, this is to help other players (and storytelling staff) understand the difference between one character wearing a low-profile kevlar vest and no visible weapons, and a second character in full tactical gear carrying a pump-action shotgun with a two handed greatsword slung across her back.
If a player is not wearing a tag holder with the related item card, their character is considered not to have immediate access to that weapon or gear - it may be in a locker, back in their haven, or in the trunk of the character’s car.
Concealed Items
Melee Weapons with the “Concealable” quality, Ranged weapons with the “Compact” quality, and Protective Gear with the “Inconspicuous” quality do not require a visible name-tag holder and their related item cards may instead be carried somewhere on the character’s person. This includes gear Concealed with the powers of Obfuscate. This reflects the fact these items are not visible to other characters.
The character is considered to have immediate access to these weapons, or be wearing this Protective Gear, as long as they have the item card on their person. As a reminder, only one piece of Protective Gear may be worn at a time.
Stealing Items
Item cards left unattended in play may be taken by other players, reflecting theft of that item. A player leaving an item card unattended in a play area is effectively leaving that item there.
Item cards may also be pickpocketed through use of the Larceny skill. This requires a Storyteller to adjudicate, and some items can’t be taken without notice. Never, ever try to actually pickpocket an item card from a player. (See the no-touching rule)
Equipment Qualities
We have a few clarifications on Bane weapons & ammunition:
- Melee Weapons with the Bane quality will choose a specific substance at the time the weapon is acquired, which may not be changed. This Bane will be noted on the item card.
- Some Ranged Weapons with the Bane quality may function in a similar fashion. For example, a flame thrower may only ever deal fire damage.
- Ranged Weapons which can be loaded with different kinds of ammunition can use “Bane” ammunition, even if the weapon doesn’t have the Bane quality.
- Bane Ammunition can be acquired via the “Acquiring Equipment” process below, and counts “against” one Resource dot. Bane ammunition is specialized, and cannot be purchased with disposable income.
- A single Bane Ammunition item card is good for six attacks in a single clip (or 3 attacks for weapons with the Automatic Fire quality). After use, the card must be returned to a Storyteller.
Qualities and Weapon Usage
A weapon will not carry any of its normal qualities if used in a manner other than its intended design. For example, a wooden stake with the “Staking” quality would lose that quality if thrown at an enemy, and a longbow used to swing in Melee would lose the “Bane” quality.
This will be our default rule, but as always specific situations are entirely up to Storyteller discretion.
Acquiring Equipment
We have provided a simple system for characters to acquire gear with mechanics using their Resources background. Please note that, at Storyteller discretion, certain types of gear may require Allies or Contacts with certain Spheres of Influence to acquire - This includes any illegal items.
Acquiring Weapons & Protective Gear
During each game, a character may “Purchase” one “quality” weapon or piece of protective gear for each dot of the Resources background that character possesses. This gear may be acquired at check-in or during play.
The player will select the weapon quality for the weapon (with Storyteller approval) and receive an item card reflecting the quality of the gear purchased.
Acquiring Miscellaneous Gear
Alternatively, a character may use their Resource dots to acquire Miscellaneous Gear, as described in Appendix A: Equipment. Miscellaneous gear will cost against one Resource dot (Proficient), two dots (Superior) or three dots (Artisan). Similar to weapons / protective gear, Miscellaneous gear may either be acquired at check-in or during play.
Individual resource dots may be used for weapons / armor, or for miscellaneous gear, but not for both - though they may be mixed and matched. (for example, a ranged weapon and piece of superior miscellaneous gear would use all three of a character’s resource dots)
Acquiring Gear Using Disposable Income
Disposable income per the Resources background may be used to acquire additional weapons, armor or other gear during play, but the gear acquired will be purely narrative and will carry no bonuses or qualities.
Example #1
Example #2
Acquiring Gear During Play
While the system above is the main way in which characters will acquire their gear, equipment might also be acquired through play. For example, a character might loot a new firearm off of a defeated gang member. Gear acquired this way requires Storyteller approval. After the scene concludes, visit the check-in table to have an item card created for your character.
Explore More
Learn how to create your character and start your journey.
Discover how to advance your character and unlock new abilities.
Take a look at the custom mechanics in our chronicle.
Meet the important NPCs in the chronicle.
Check out the custom loresheets available for your character.
Explore the history of Oklahoma City in the World of Darkness.