The following is a list of characters that have appeared in the Vampire: The Masquerade - Reawakening campaign.

Andrea Caldwell
The Prince
The former Venture Primogen and one of the few court members to survive The Night of Fires, Andrea Caldwell is a city founder and was a steady presence in Oklahoma City before it fell into torpor.
Even as the city slept, Caldwell has maintained a network of Kindred contacts and favors. In mortal financial circles, Caldwell is most certainly a power behind the scenes - particularly in the oil and gas sectors.
Tonight, Caldwell has declared Praxis over the city, and has called the first formal court in nearly a decade.
Jeanelle DeLight
Sabbat Pack Leader
No Kindred is responsible, directly or indirectly, for more Final Deaths in Oklahoma than the Tzimisce Jeanelle DeLight. Leader of the Sabbat’s operations in and around the city, she has instigated numerous conflicts with both Kindred and Werewolf alike.
While she was last active in the city well before the destabilization of the Sabbat, rumor has it she’s been seen within city limits in recent weeks.
Jonathan Gates
The Lumberjack
Stalwart of the Camarilla since the city’s founding, Jonathan Gates is a Brujah and an unliving legend; a leader on and off the field of battle. Gates has distinguished himself in numerous conflicts against Werewolves and the Sabbat alike, earning himself the nickname “The Lumberjack” due to his deadly proficiency with a simple Wood Ax.
Gates is at his core an idealist. He has proven time and again to be a stalwart defender of the Traditions, and possesses an unusual attachment to his own humanity for a vampire of his age.
George Grenville
The Archon
In service to the Malkavian Justicar, the esteemed Archon Grenville has been a regular presence in Oklahoma City since the 1940s. While Princes often chafe against the interference of the Justicariate in local affairs, Grenville has, inarguably, promoted peace, security and stability within the city.
The Archon left Oklahoma after The Night of Fires. While he has not yet returned to the city, to this night he serves Justicar Juliet Parr with loyalty and distinction.
Kenneth Lindsey
The Coward
The Ventrue Kenneth Lindsey is under a blood hunt issued during The Night of Fires seven years ago. Betraying the location of Elysium, along with the identity of several court members, Kenneth pleaded innocence and has since gone to ground.
With the city fallen into Torpor and without a Prince, opinion is split on whether this Blood Hunt still stands. Hunted or no, many would still see Lindsey meet a sunrise for the death and disruption he has caused the Kindred of Oklahoma City.